Femicide: International conference (May 24)

International Conference organized by Italian Studies at Leiden University and The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The meeting will be dedicated to addressing the issue of femicide in Europe, in particular the policies implemented by the Dutch and Italian governments. How is data collected in Europe? How do Dutch and Italian societies perceive the problem? Is media interest in the topic increasing? These and other urgent issues will be at the center of our event, where three experts will discuss these delicate issues, mediated and introduced by a journalist.

Where and when? The conference will take place on May 24 at Leiden University Campus the Hague (Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP), starting at 01.00pm.

Sign up for the event through this form. Entrance is free, but registration is compulsory:


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In collaborazione con Ministero degli Affari Esteri, il Dipartimento di Studi Italiani dell’Università di Leiden presenta la nuova edizione di ITALY TODAY 2024, che quest’anno di focalizzerà sul sempre più urgente fenomeno del femminicidio. Tre esperte discuteranno di come i due paesi, Italia e Paesi Bassi (assieme ad una prospettiva europea), stanno gestendo la problematica e le politiche attuate.

Dove e quando? La conferenza si terrà il 24 maggio al Campus The Hague dell’Università di Leida (Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP) ed inizierà alle ore 13.

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